From Mother to Daughter

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Festivals are social events to grow spiritualy involving cooking and eating with family and friends. Cooking is an evolving art, wing thru a recipe and whip up your own concoction.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Vangibath Pudi

Vangibath Pudi


1/4 cup coriander seeds (kotambari beeja)
1/2 cup channa dhal
1 tsp of methi seeds (menthya)
1/2 cup urad dhal
1" cinnamon stick (optional)
4 lavangas/cloves (optional)
15 red chilies (split) 


Heat a pan on medium and roast the urad dhal, channa dhal, methi seeds, cinnamon, cloves in a drop of oil and set aside in a dish.  Add another drop of oil and the chilies to the hot pan and roast till slightly browned. Lower the heat and add the coriander seeds. Twirl everything around for a few minutes to bring out the aroma of the coriander seeds. Turn off the heat and add contents to the roasted dhals. When cool, dry blend everything into a coarse mixture.

Cooking tips:

The coriander seeds  and the chillies burn quickly, so the need to fry them separately.  The drop of oil used in roasting is to just subside irritants that possibly irritate everyones throat. Store in airtight containers.

Serving tips:

Use a tbs of the vanghibath pudi in curry's/palya, vegetables, huli/koimbu, uppittu etc to enhance the flavour.

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